Genshin Impact si aggiorna: nuovi personaggi giocabili e contenuti inediti per tutti
Majkol Robuschi 11 Nov 2020

MiHoYo, la compagnia cinese dietro il grande successo di Genshin Impact, ha da poco pubblicato in rete l’enorme changelog in lingua inglese della prima, grande patch gratuita per il suo fenomeno free-to-play.
Il gioco, disponibile al momento per dispositivi iOS, Android, PS4 e PC, e in futuro per Nintendo Switch, si aggiornerà oggi all’ormai preannunciata versione 1.1 che include quattro nuovi personaggi giocabili, nuove armi, quest, eventi legati alla storia e anche un’inedita meccanica che regolerà la propria reputazione in città.
È evidente che il grande successo di Genshin Impact ha fatto in modo che il team di sviluppo ricevesse montagne di feedback da parte della fanbase, e se il changelog è così ricco di modifiche al sistema di gioco significa che in quel di MiHoYo qualcuno stia ascoltando attentamente quel che il grande mercato internazionale chiede a grande voce.
In calce, sia il nuovo trailer dedicato ai personaggi giocabili – ottenibili in-game attraverso meccaniche gacha – e l’intero changelog della patch ora disponibile per il download.
Changelog della patch 1.1 (in lingua inglese):
■ Compensation
Update Maintenance Compensation: Primogems ×300
(60 Primogems for each hour servers are down)
Bug Fix Compensation: Primogems ×300
Includes fixes to the following issues:
Some characters and artifacts had descriptions that did not accurately reflect their effects.
Some character skill and talent effects did not function normally in certain situations.
■ EligibilityAll Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 5 or above by November 11, 2020 at 06:00:00 (UTC+8).
We will issue compensation to all Travelers via in-game mail within 5 hours from the end of maintenance. Please log in to receive the mail by November 14, 2020 11:00:00 (UTC+8). The mail will be valid for 30 days, so don’t forget to claim the compensation before it expires.
■ Update Details
New Content
New Characters
5-Star Character “Childe” Tartaglia (Hydro)
Vision: Hydro
Weapon: Bow
No. 11 of The Harbingers, also known as “Childe.” His name is highly feared on the battlefield.
His Elemental Skill, Foul Legacy: Raging Tide, unleashes a set of weaponry made of pure water that deals Hydro DMG to surrounding enemies.
His Elemental Burst, Havoc: Obliteration, unleashes either “Flash of Havoc” or “Light of Obliteration” based on the Stance he is currently in.
4-Star Character “Kätzlein Cocktail” Diona (Cryo)
Vision: Cryo
Weapon: Bow
A young lady who has inherited trace amounts of non-human blood. She is the incredibly popular bartender of the Cat’s Tail tavern.
Her Elemental Skill, Icy Paws, deals Cryo DMG and creates a shield on hit
Her Elemental Burst, Signature Mix, tosses out a special cold brew that creates a Drunken Mist, dealing Cryo DMG to enemies and continuously regenerating the HP of characters within the AoE.
During the event wish “Farewell of Snezhnaya,” from after the Version 1.1 update to December 1, 2020 at 15:59:59 (Server time), the event-exclusive 5-star character “Childe” Tartaglia (Hydro) and the 4-star characters “Kätzlein Cocktail” Diona (Cryo), “Uncrowned Lord of Ocean” Beidou (Electro), and “Eclipsing Star” Ningguang (Geo) will have their Wish drop-rates greatly increased!The Test Run character trial event will be available from after the Version 1.1 update to December 1, 2020 at 15:59:59 (Server time). Travelers can use fixed team compositions that contain the trial characters to complete designated challenges. Once the challenge is complete, you can obtain the corresponding rewards!
5-Star Character “Vago Mundo” Zhongli (Geo)
Vision: Geo
Weapon: Polearm
A mysterious guest invited by the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Extremely knowledgeable in all things.
His Elemental Skill, Dominus Lapidis, commands the omnipresent power of earth to solidify into a Stone Stele, dealing AoE Geo DMG.
His Elemental Burst, Planet Befall, brings a giant meteor crashing down, dealing massive Geo DMG to enemies within the impact radius and petrifying them.
4-Star Character “Blazing Riff” Xinyan
Vision: Pyro
Weapon: Claymore
Liyue’s sole rock ‘n’ roll musician. She rebels against ossified prejudices using her music and passionate singing.
Her Elemental Skill, Sweeping Fervor, deals Pyro DMG to surrounding enemies and creates a shield.
Her Elemental Burst, Riff Revolution, creates sonic waves that deal AoE Physical DMG before generating intense flames that deal continuous Pyro DMG to surrounding enemies.
*The characters “Vago Mundo” Zhongli (Geo) and “Blazing Riff” Xinyan (Pyro) will appear in a subsequent event wish.New Weapons
Memory of Dust (5-Star Catalyst)
A stone dumbbell containing distant memories. Its endless transformations reveal the power within.
Increases the Shield Strength of the one equipping it. It increases ATK on hits, and this effect is strengthened while the character equipping it is under the protection of a shield.
The event wish “Epitome Invocation” will be available from after the Version 1.1 update to December 1, 2020 at 15:59:59 (Server time). In this event wish, the event-exclusive 5-star weapon Memory of Dust (Catalyst) and the 5-star weapon Skyward Harp (Bow) will get a huge drop-rate boost!
Vortex Vanquisher (5-Star Polearm)
This sharp polearm can seemingly pierce through anything. When swung, one can almost see the rift it tears in the air.
Increases the Shield Strength of the one equipping it. It increases ATK on hits, and this effect is strengthened while the character equipping it is under the protection of a shield.
The Unforged (5-Star Claymore)
Capable of driving away evil spirits and wicked people alike, this edgeless claymore seems to possess divine might.
Increases the Shield Strength of the one equipping it. It increases ATK on hits, and this effect is strengthened while the character equipping it is under the protection of a shield.
*The weapons Vortex Vanquisher (Polearm) and The Unforged (Claymore) will appear in a subsequent event wish.Royal Spear (4-Star Polearm)
This polearm was once cherished by a member of the old nobility that governed Mondstadt long ago. Although it has never seen the light of day, it is still incomparably sharp.
Damaging an opponent gradually increases CRIT Rate through Focus. A CRIT hit clears all Focus effects.
*The weapon Royal Spear (4-Star Polearm) will be available in Starglitter Exchange in the Shop.New Quests
New Archon Quest
The mysterious emissary Ganyu appears before you at Third-Round Knockout. Claiming to have come at Ningguang’s behest, she invites you to the skyfaring palace known as the Jade Chamber.
To that end, you and Paimon have come to Mt. Tianheng, from where you can see the Jade Chamber in the distance…
After the Version 1.1 Update, the Archon Quest Chapter 1: Act III – A New Star Approaches will become available. Complete this quest chain and obtain Primogems, Weapon Enhancement Materials, Character EXP Materials, and other rewards!
New Story Quests
The Eleventh of the Fatui Harbingers, Childe, seems to have been lying low for quite a while since whipping up a storm at the Rite of Parting.
But a chance encounter with someone from the other side of the ocean is about to reunite the two of you in Liyue once again.
After the Version 1.1 Update, the Story Quest Monoceros Caeli Chapter: Act I – Mighty Cyclops’ Adventure! will become available.
Complete this quest chain and obtain Primogems, Weapon Enhancement Materials, Character EXP Materials, and other rewards!
The Story Quest Historia Antiqua Chapter: Act I – Sal Flore will also become available at a later date.
New World Quests
New World Quests Added: The Adventurers’ Guild’s Affairs, Necessary Procedures, Words Worth Their Weight in Mora, Changchang’s Little Friend, The Secret of Nantianmen, An Ode to Yonder City, and Endless Research
Complete these quests and obtain Mora, Character EXP Materials, and other rewards!
New Events
Version Main Event — Unreconciled Stars
Peculiar meteorites are descending upon Teyvat, bringing a rare sleeping sickness with them. People trapped in deep slumber, mysterious dreams, an unknown star… The crisis draws closer!
Event Duration: November 16, 2020 10:00:00 to November 30, 2020 at 03:59:59 (Server time)
Event Rules: During the event, complete designated quests and “Star of Destiny” challenges to obtain Fading Star’s Might and Fading Star’s Essence!
Event Rewards: Exchange Fading Star’s Might and Fading Star’s Essence in the Event Shop for Character Ascension Materials, Hero’s Wit, Mystic Enhancement Ore, Talent Enhancement Materials, Crown of Insight, and other rewards!
Complete “Prinzessin’s Pact” to get “Prinzessin der Verurteilung!” Fischl (Electro)!
*Besides this, The Gliding Challenge and While It’s Warm events will become available at a later date. Stay tuned for more information.New Systems
City Reputation System
Reach Adventure Rank 25 and complete the corresponding quests to unlock this system
Reputation is currently divided into Mondstadt Reputation and Liyue Reputation.
Mondstadt Reputation Unlock Criteria: Complete the Archon Quest Prologue: Act I “The Outlander Who Caught the Wind.”
Liyue Reputation Unlock Criteria: Complete the Archon Quest Chapter I: Act II “Farewell, Archaic Lord.”
Travelers can speak to Knights of Favonius Coordinator, Hertha and Ministry of Civil Affairs Secretary, Ms. Yu to take on new Bounties and Requests. You can also collect Reputation EXP rewards from them for World Exploration, Mondstadt Quests, and Liyue Quests.
As you increase your Reputation Level, you will unlock special city features, recipes, gadget blueprints, namecards, wind gliders, and other rewards.
Anemoculus Resonance Stone: Use this to mark out areas where Anemoculi within a certain range are located on the map.
Geoculus Resonance Stone: Use this to mark out areas where Geoculi within a certain range are located on the map.
NRE (Menu 30): Equip this to quickly consume food without opening your Inventory. This gadget can hold one variety of HP-recovery dish and one variety of revival dish. NRE (Menu 30) will automatically offer the dish that best matches your party’s situation at any given time.
Wind Catcher: Equip this to store the energy of Anemograna and use it to create a wind current (cannot be used while in combat).
Portable Waypoint: Use the Portable Waypoint to create a temporary waypoint at your current location. This waypoint will last for 7 days. (Only 1 such temporary waypoint can exist at any one time.)
Condensed Resin: Consume 40 Original Resin to create 1 Condensed Resin. Condensed Resin can be used to revitalize Ley Line Blossoms and Petrified Trees in Domains that require 20 Original Resin, yielding 2 sets of rewards at one time. (Both sets of rewards are random.)
Adepti Seeker’s Stove: Use this gadget to create a portable stove in front of you.
Anemo Treasure Compass: Upon use, a prompt will appear directing you towards the nearest chest in the vicinity. Only usable in the Mondstadt region.
Geo Treasure Compass: Upon use, a prompt will appear directing you towards the nearest chest in the vicinity. Only usable in the Liyue region.
City Features
Mining Outcrop Search: Talk to Wagner the Blacksmith in Mondstadt or Master Zhang the Blacksmith in Liyue. They will tell you where to find ore deposits in the region, and markers will appear on your map.
Merchant Discounts at Good Hunter, Mondstadt General Goods, Wanmin Restaurant, and Second Life.
Namecard Styles
Mondstadt Reputation Namecard Styles: “Mondstadt – Hero’s Fame” and “Mondstadt – Blessing.” Liyue Reputation Namecard Styles: “Liyue – A Thousand Ships” and “Liyue – In the Clouds.”
Mondstadt Recipe Rewards: Northern Apple Stew, Adventurer’s Breakfast Sandwich, and Moon Pie
Liyue Recipe Rewards: Golden Shrimp Balls, Lotus Flower Crisp, and Tianshu Meat
Wind Gliders
Mondstadt Reputation Wind Glider Reward: Wings of Azure Wind
Liyue Reputation Wind Glider Reward: Wings of Golden Flight
How to Increase Reputation
Region Quests: Complete various quests in Mondstadt and Liyue to increase your Reputation in each city.
World Exploration: Increase your Exploration Progress in Mondstadt and Liyue. Once you hit certain milestones, you can increase your Reputation in the corresponding city.
Bounties: Hunt down and defeat the bounty targets to increase your Reputation in that city. Each week, you can complete up to 3 bounties in total across all cities.
Requests: Complete requests from the local residents to increase your Reputation in that city. The list of requests will be refreshed every Monday. Each week you can complete up to 3 requests in total across all cities.
Exploration Progress System
Zoom out on the map to view the Exploration Progress for each area. Open chests, find Elemental Oculi, unlock Waypoints, and complete other exploration activities to increase your Exploration Progress in each area.
Archive System
A collection of Equipment, Materials, Geography, Books and Tutorials.
Equipment: View the equipment in this version and the ones you have unlocked.
Materials: View the materials, food, potions, trophies, and gadgets of Teyvat.
Geography: Interact with specific Viewpoints to add these locations to the Geography section of the Archive.
Books: Read the books that you have collected here. A portion of the books in your Inventory will be moved to the Archive and will no longer remain in your Inventory.
Tutorials: View the tutorials that you have triggered throughout your adventure.
Character Archive System
Character Archive added.
Other New Content
The following recipes are now available for purchase:
Wanmin Restaurant: Triple-Layered Consommé
Wangshu Inn: Bamboo Shoot Soup
Added new achievements under “Challenger – Series II”
New Harvestable Resources: Bamboo Shoot and Golden Loach
New Monster: Unusual Hilichurl
Added customization options for keyboard and controller: Go to Paimon Menu > Settings > Controls, select a function to change the key or button assigned to it, and press any key or button to assign it to this function.
New customization options added to Settings > Graphics: Volumetric Fog, Reflections, Bloom, Crowd Density, and Co-Op Teammate Effects.
New options added to Settings > Other: Combat Camera Settings and Default Camera Distance.
Added an Equipment Locking function. Locked equipment cannot be used for enhancement or refinement.
A Report function has been added to Co-Op Mode
Adds a feature to weapon/artifact enhancement screen that displays item descriptions for items added as enhancement materials.
During weapon enhancement, surplus EXP is now returned in the form of weapon enhancement materials (previously, surplus EXP was lost).
Characters dispatched on expeditions are no longer out-of-action. They can be added to your party as usual.
■ Fixes and OptimizationsOptimizations
Optimizes destination selection logic for Geovishap Hatchlings and Whopperflowers when tunneling during combat near bodies of water.
Optimizes how equipped items are displayed: Artifacts and weapons now display the equipping character’s avatar.
Optimizes categorization in the “Bosses” tab in the Adventurer Handbook: Bosses are no longer categorized by region, but by monster type.
Optimizes inventory capacity display: Removed load limit and replaced with Inventory slots. Slots are divided into 3 categories — 2,000 for weapons, 1,000 for artifacts, and 2,000 for other materials. Identical materials will still stack in the same slot. When all Inventory slots in a given category are full, no more items in that category can be acquired and you will have to clear some slots.
Increases Original Resin limit from 120 to 160.
Reduces Origin Resin consumption requirement in the Battle Pass Weekly Missions from 1,600 to 1,200.
Amends the banner for the standard wish “Wanderlust Invocation.” (Wish contents and rules remain the same, only the Wish banner has been amended.)
Adjusts the unlock criteria of the story quest “Astrolabos Chapter: Act I.” To unlock this quest, players must now first complete the story quest “Trifolium Chapter: Act I.”
Adjusts the names of some achievements.
“Adjusts the reward eligibility for Pre-Registration Rewards and 10 Million Global Pre-Registrations Reward: removes the original restrictions on eligibility.
The new eligibility criteria for claiming Pre-Registration Rewards: there are no restrictions.
The new eligibility criteria for claiming 10 Million Global Pre-Registrations Reward: Adventure Rank 10 or above.
Travelers who meet the new eligibility criteria can claim the rewards distributed via in-game mail. (Travelers who already claimed these rewards will not receive them again.)”
■ Bug FixesQuests
Fixes an issue whereby Branch Master Cyrus of the Mondstadt Adventurers’ Guild may not appear correctly, meaning that the corresponding World Quest cannot proceed properly.
Fixes an issue with the Story Quest “Mondstadt Glider” whereby quest progress may not advance as expected under specific circumstances.
Fixes an issue with the Story Quest “Master’s Day Off” whereby Jean may not appear correctly inside her office at the Knights of Favonius headquarters.
Fixes an issue with the Story Quest “Sara’s Worries” whereby the item submission screen may not display properly.
Fixes an issue with the Archon Quest “Venti’s New Plan” whereby the chest in the Cathedral basement may not open.
Fixes an issue with the Archon Quest “Chasing Shadows” whereby it may not be possible to obtain the quest item.
Fixes an issue with the World Quest “Treasure Lost, Treasure Found” whereby investigating the strange jade plate may cause problems with quest progress.
Fixes an issue in the World Quest “After the Storm” whereby Crystal Ore may not refresh properly in the quest.
Fixes an issue with the World Quest “Old Tastes Die Hard” whereby quest progress may not advance as expected.
Fixes an issue with the World Quest “A Quiet Day in Liyue Harbor” whereby dialog with Bolai may not trigger properly.
Fixes an issue with the World Quest “Break the Sword Cemetery Seal” whereby activating an elemental monument may not remove the seal.
Fixes an issue with the World Quest “Break the Sword Cemetery Seal” whereby the chest may not appear after completing the quest.
Fixes an issue with the World Quest “A Fine Opportunity?” whereby quest progress may not advance as expected.
Fixes an issue with the commission “One Ship, Two Ships, Three Ships…” whereby an error may occur with submission.
Fixes an issue with the commission “Pigeons Go AWOL” whereby Draff may disappear.
Fixes an issue with the commission “Dangerous Haul” whereby monsters’ item drops are not as expected.
Fixes an issue with the Domain “Stormterror Confrontation” whereby the character may become stuck after Stormterror collapses.
Fixes an issue with the Domain “Stormterror Confrontation” whereby the AoE of Stormterror’s dragon breath skill is incorrect.
Fixes an issue with the Domain “Stormterror Confrontation” whereby the character may slowly descend when climbing onto Stormterror.
Fixes an issue with the Domain “The Reward for Courage is Flight” whereby the quest instructions may not appear properly.
Fixes an issue in Character trial stages whereby players may be unable to exit the stage.
Fixes an issue in domains whereby certain Cryo skills may incorrectly cause multiple rounds of DMG to characters.
Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby players are unable to switch characters after the current character has fallen.
Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby Ruin Guards’ HP may be affected after other players join the session.
Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby after completing a Ley Line Blossom challenge, players are not prompted to claim the reward under specific circumstances.
Fixes an issue in Co-Op Mode whereby if removed from the team while on the Wish screen, things may not appear correctly after returning to the world.
Fixes an issue whereby when there are two Monas in a Co-Op team and both cast the Elemental Burst “Stellaris Phantasm” simultaneously, “Illusory Bubble” may only take effect once.
Fixes an issue whereby the duration of food effects may not function as intended after leaving Co-Op Mode.
Fixes an issue affecting some characters in Co-Op Mode whereby the same Talent effect incorrectly stacks if multiple players have the same character in their party.
Fixes an issue affecting some characters in Co-Op Mode whereby if multiple players use the same effect of the same character on the enemy, the effect may not refresh.
Fixes an issue whereby the achievements “Friends, Travelers, Lend Me Your Ears…” and “Once Upon a Time…” may not be possible to complete.
Fixes an issue with Shrines of Depths whereby the chests may not display properly.
Fixes an issue of some chests having the wrong status.
Fixes an issue whereby combat may forcibly end if a non-flying monster spends a long time suspended in mid-air.
Fixes an issue with Oceanids whereby the models of their summoned entities may disappear.
Fixes an issue with Cryo Regisvines and Pyro Regisvines whereby meteorites summoned by the Traveler (Geo)’s Elemental Skill “Starfell Sword” may raise these monsters up.
Fixes an issue with Whopperflowers whereby their model may disappear under specific circumstances.
Fixes an issue with Whopperflowers whereby if drawn in by Venti’s Elemental Burst “Wind’s Grand Ode” while tunneling, they cannot be attacked.
Fixes an issue whereby switching characters while an Abyss Mage is in its weakened state may forcibly end the battle.
Fixes an issue whereby Abyss Mages may appear on top of the target being defended.
Fixes an issue whereby monsters sometimes attack Butterflies and Fireflies.
Fixes an issue whereby if a Geovishap Hatchling dies while tunneling, the item drops cannot be gathered.
Fixes an issue whereby airborne monsters may take fall DMG in mid-air.
Fixes an issue whereby elemental reaction DMG is incorrect if a monster triggers an Overloaded, Superconduct, or Electro-Charged reaction at the moment of its death.
Fixes an issue with Fatui Electro Cicin Mages whereby their models appear incorrectly under specific circumstances.
Fixes an issue whereby teleporting while engaged in combat with an Oceanid causes errors with the combat process.
Corrects an issue whereby when Sacrificial Sword is obtained in the Wish system, the incorrect art is displayed.
Fixes an issue whereby teleporting when a character is equipped with Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers triggers the weapon’s “Legacy” affix effect.
Fixes an issue whereby when Skyrider Sword is equipped, if an Elemental Burst is used during the duration of the weapon’s Determination effect, the weapon’s effect duration may not refresh.
Fixes an issue whereby when The Bell is equipped, the shield created by the weapon effect “Rebellious Guardian” does not increase the character’s resistance to interruption.
Fixes an issue affecting Royal Greatsword, Royal Longsword, Royal Grimoire, and Royal Bow whereby when the character equipped with the weapon triggers the weapon effect “Focus,” the effect is not removed in the expected manner in certain situations.
Fixes an issue with Venti whereby after charging the Elemental Skill “Skyward Sonnet” and rising into the air, opening the Take Photo feature and hiding the character may cause the character to continue rising indefinitely.
Improves descriptions for effects of Anemo characters’ Combat Talents related to pulling in and sucking in enemies in some languages.
Fixes an issue with Barbara whereby after logging into the game, if Barbara is in the party but the player has not yet switched to her, the Lv. 1 Constellation “Gleeful Songs” may not take effect.
Fixes the issue of bow-wielding characters sometimes attacking in the wrong direction.
Fixes an issue with Diluc whereby after activating the Lv. 6 Constellation “Flaming Sword, Nemesis of Dark,” errors may occur with Diluc’s consecutive Normal Attacks when moving while alternating between the Elemental Skill “Searing Onslaught” and Diluc’s Normal Attack.
Fixes an issue with Qiqi whereby the Healing Bonus of the Talent “Life-Prolonging Methods” can only be triggered by the Herald of Frost summoned using the Elemental Skill “Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost.”
Fixes an issue with Qiqi whereby after activating the Lv. 6 Constellation “Rite of Resurrection,” casting the Elemental Burst “Adeptus Art: Preserver of Fortune” in Co-Op Mode may revive fallen characters of a teammate who is not currently in the same domain or open world.
Fixes an issue affecting Amber, Venti, Kaeya, and Razor whereby their respective Passive Talents “Gliding Champion,” “Windrider,” “Hidden Strength,” and “Wolvensprint” may encounter errors when the character is switched out of the Party.
Fixes an issue with Kaeya whereby after activating the Lv. 4 Constellation “Frozen Kiss,” the Constellation’s shield effect may not be triggered by some types of attacks.
Fixes an issue with Razor whereby if he sprints immediately after casting and hitting enemies with the Elemental Skill “Claw and Thunder,” he may be unable to collect Electro Sigils or Elemental Particles.
Fixes an issue with the Traveler (Anemo) whereby after the Passive Talent “Second Wind” is triggered, the Passive Talent’s effect will not continue if the player switches to another character.
Fixes an issue with Bennett whereby the Elemental Skill “Passion Overload” may be unable to hit targets in very close proximity.
Fixes an issue with Barbara, Qiqi, Noelle, and Bennett whereby healing Talents may not take effect on members of the party.
Fixes an issue with Barbara whereby after activating the Lv. 2 Constellation “Vitality Burst,” the DMG Bonus it should provide may not function correctly when the Elemental Skill “Let the Show Begin♪” is cast multiple times.
Fixes an issue with Barbara whereby after using her Elemental Skill “Let the Show Begin♪” the health of some characters in the party may not be restored when Barbara lands a Normal Attack.
Fixes an issue with Xingqiu’s Elemental Skill “Guhua Sword: Fatal Rainscreen” and Elemental Burst “Guhua Sword: Raincutter” whereby some types of incoming attacks deal reduced DMG but do not shatter one of the Rain Swords.
Fixes an issue with Xingqiu’s Elemental Skill “Guhua Sword: Fatal Rainscreen” and Elemental Burst “Guhua Sword: Raincutter” whereby after either ability is cast and Rain Swords are present, switching characters may cause errors in DMG dealt by Electro-Charged reactions triggered by the Rain Swords.
Fixes an issue with Xingqiu’s Elemental Skill “Guhua Sword: Fatal Rainscreen” whereby after the skill is cast and Rain Swords are present, switching characters at the moment when a Rain Sword breaks may cause Talent effects to function incorrectly.
Fixes an issue with Klee’s Lv. 6 Constellation “Blazing Delight” whereby in Co-Op Mode, the effects may not work on other Klees in the Co-Op team.
Fixes an issue with Klee whereby after obtaining an Explosive Spark from the Talent “Pounding Surprise,” the Explosive Spark may be incorrectly consumed if a Charged Attack is interrupted.
Fixes an issue with Klee whereby after falling and being revived while the Elemental Burst “Sparks ‘n’ Splash” is still active, the animations of “Sparks ‘n’ Splash” remain after the Elemental Burst finishes.
Fixes an issue with Keqing’s Elemental Skill “Stellar Restoration” whereby after holding the skill and throwing the Lightning Stiletto, switching characters, then switching back to Keqing and using “Stellar Restoration” again, she may be unable to fly to the stiletto’s location.
Fixes an issue with Noelle’s Lv. 2 Constellation “Combat Maid” whereby the Stamina Consumption decrease granted for her Charged Attack may not correctly stack with other Stamina Consumption decreases, making the Stamina Consumption of Charged Attacks higher than intended.
Fixes an issue with Noelle whereby after casting the Elemental Burst “Sweeping Time,” her Plunging Attack does not deal Geo DMG.
Fixes an issue with Sucrose whereby if the player quickly switches to another character after casting the Elemental Burst “Forbidden Creation – Isomer 75 / Type II” then switches back to Sucrose, her weapon model may not display correctly when attacking.
Fixes an issue with Beidou’s Elemental Skill “Tidecaller” whereby the shield’s DMG absorption may be incorrect.
Fixes an issue with Mona and Barbara whereby the special effects of their Charged Attacks may not appear correctly if interrupted by jumping or switching character.
Fixes an issue with Mona whereby after using her Elemental Burst “Stellaris Phantasm” on enemies, some types of DMG may not remove an Illusory Bubble.
Fixes an issue with Mona whereby using the Talent “Illusory Torrent” may incorrectly trigger the completion of a certain hidden achievement.
Fixes an issue with Chongyun whereby his Charged Attack can be cast continuously until Stamina is depleted.
Fixes an issue with Chongyun whereby when the Sacrificial Greatsword’s effect “Composed” is triggered, casting the Elemental Skill “Spirit Blade: Chonghua’s Layered Frost” twice in succession may cause errors with the skill’s DMG on the second cast.
Fixes an issue with Ningguang’s Charged Attack whereby there may be errors with her movements.
Fixes an issue with Ningguang whereby after activating the Lv. 6 Constellation “Grandeur be the Seven Stars,” using a Normal Attack and the Elemental Burst “Starshatter” may cause the number of Star Jades to be incorrect.
Fixes an issue whereby characters may be able to continue sprinting after Stamina is depleted by jumping.
Fixes an issue whereby characters can remain on the water’s surface after the ice melts by performing consecutive attacks.
Fixes the issue of characters sometimes being unable to stand up after sitting down.
Fixes an issue whereby when switching characters while casting an Elemental Burst, the buffs are triggered even when the Elemental Burst was not successfully cast.
Fixes an issue of characters’ weapon models disappearing under specific circumstances.
Fixes the issue of Plunging Attacks triggering continuously under specific circumstances.
Fixes an issue with the Traveler (Geo) whereby when a monster is raised up by a Meteorite from the Elemental Skill “Starfell Sword,” combat may forcibly end.
Fixes an issue where the Elemental Skill of some characters would have a 0-second cooldown in certain situations.
Fixes issues with three scenery models near the “Lupus Boreas, Dominator of Wolves” arena.
Fixes an issue on PlayStation®4 whereby it is not possible to scroll to view possible Domain rewards.
Fixes an issue with several scenes and characters whereby the camera moves inside the character model.
Fixes an issue whereby Frozen characters and monsters do not behave as expected under specific circumstances.
Fixes the issue of animals sometimes appearing in the wrong environments.
Fixes audio bugs affecting several monsters, scenes, and characters.
Fixes several controller recognition issues.
Fixes some display and translation issues affecting some languages.
Fixes an issue whereby DMG dealt to characters and monsters by Burning grass does not scale with the World Level.
Fixes an issue whereby chest hints take too long to disappear after opening the chest.
Fixes an issue with the Quest Menu whereby rewards are sometimes not displayed in full.
Fixes an issue with Golden Crab whereby the effect description on the Cooking screen does not match the actual effect.
Fixes an issue with controllers whereby holding the button in question does not rapidly increase the item quantity as it should.
Fixes an issue of Shatter DMG sometimes not triggering correctly.
Fixes an issue whereby red notification badges incorrectly appear by the Traveler (Geo)’s avatar in the Character List under specific circumstances.
Fixes an issue of the game sometimes crashing after opening the Wish screen under specific circumstances.
Fixes an issue whereby collecting Primogems from “Blessing of the Welkin Moon” sometimes does not trigger the Primogem collection animation under specific circumstances.
Fixes an issue on Mobile whereby the water on Mt. Aozang in Liyue does not freeze over properly.
Fixes an issue whereby if Electro-Charged is triggered by adding the elemental effects in a specific order, subsequent DMG dealt by Electro-Charged reactions may not function properly.
Fixes the issue of Elemental Resonance effect “Shattering Ice” and Kaeya’s Constellation Lv. 1 “Excellent Blood” having no effect against Cryo Slimes.
Fixes an issue whereby when different types of Elemental Reaction DMG are dealt to a monster within a very short time, some Elemental Reaction DMG may not be applied correctly.
Fixes an issue with the Character Screen whereby switching characters while simultaneously opening the Dressing Room may crash the game.
Fixes an issue whereby when the max number of weapons is owned, the hint displayed when purchasing weapons in the Shop contains the wrong content.
Fixes an issue on the Mail screen whereby repeatedly pressing the Delete button may delete messages containing unclaimed attachments.
Fixes an issue whereby when starting a character trial challenge after consuming food, and then exiting the challenge while the food effect is still active, the effect’s duration will not be as expected.
Fixes some incorrect descriptions of character/artifact effects. For details, see the post on the Genshin Impact website titled “Recent Fixes and Adjustments to In-Game Descriptions.”
Tag: Android, Free-to-play, Genshin Impact, iOS, MiHoYo, pc, PlayStation 4